SIA Webinar: Substance use in the workplace and OHS considerations






On behalf of the safety institute of Australia and the Penington Institute , we invite you to join us for a webinar on Substance use in the workplace and OHS considerations.

Penington Institute’s webinar will focus on Australia’s approach to harm reduction as applied to substance use, which  has delivered extensive benefits to communities generally, as well as to those who engage in substance use.

Penington Institute leads the national conversation about harm reduction, focusing on treating substance use as a health issue.  We are building more effective responses to substance usage than simple prohibition by focusing on community safety.  We also ensure that human dignity and health are at the very centre of what we do.

Key Learning Outcomes

The webinar will provide an overview on the following:

  • Present contemporary information about substance use in Australia and projected future trends.
  • inform participants about the bases of substance use as an issue for OHS professionals.
  • outline details of the content in training programs which support individuals in the community who are affected by drug use.

Event Details

Date: Wednesday 14 June 2017
Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Cost: SIA members $20 + GST | Non Members $65 + GST
Format: Webinar (login details to be provided upon registration)
*Please note this webinar will be recorded and distributed to all registered attendees

REGISTRATION:  Registrations close Friday 9 June 2017.
To register your participation please select your ticket option below.

*Please note:  This webinar is recorded and distributed to all registered attendees, along with the presentation slides approximately 3-4 days after the webinar.

Your Presenter:

Paul Morgan, who will lead the webinar presentation, joined Penington Institute in 2016. His prior appointments have been at the University of Melbourne, RMIT, Curtin University, KPMG, the Ngaanyatjarra Lands Aboriginal Corporation (WA) and the Salvation Army Crisis Centre at 29 Grey Street, St Kilda.

Paul has extensive experience in leadership and management, and has completed post-graduate studies in the area of alcohol and other drugs (AOD).  He has also delivered training to managers and front-line workers about the impact of AOD on individuals who present in workplace settings and about responses which support all stakeholders dealing with clients and employees affected by substance use.


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